So, I'm walking down the street and decide to cross the road. But before I do, I casually glance either way and listen out for any cars coming. Upon hearing nothing, I proceed to cross only to jump from surprise at the sound of a horn. A Toyota Prius had sneaked up on me with it's stealthy electric motor.
There are some things I despise about eco cars. One, they are so pig ugly, it'd be too embarrassing to introduce them to your mother for fear of making her eyes bleed. Second, if it's an electric car, I suspect the streets will be littered with roadkill pin-striped in bio-degradable rubber, unless those canny Japanese add external speakers blaring out the rumble of a V8.
But it's the first reason that really irks my sense of aesthetics. Why, of all things do manufacturers of eco cars insist on believing tree-huggers have the vision of Stevie Wonder? Do hippies not enjoy things of beauty as well as saving the planet? Are these two mutually exclusive?
Well, it seems the fledgling industry is waking up to cool eco designs. Take a look at these beauties and see if you will ever look at the humble Duracell in the same light again.
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